The Crimson Guard tools and insights guarantee a smooth launch without bots, scammers, spammers. In addition to the amazing security layers and algos we provide to keep your group clean you can fully customize your group to your desires without any ads from our side.
Get Started For FreeOur team is always here to help with anything you need assist with.
The whole Crimson software code is original, including its security layers algorithms.
Crimson is getting updated daily, whether its regarding to servers, algos or new functions.
You can clone Crimson to your own customized bot.
Watch The Tutorial Here
After you create your own customized Crimson fork, this Clone will be able to get added or configured only by you unless you Whitelist other users.
As a bot deployer myself, to properly set up Anti-bots and all the other bots which are necessary for a project group, it takes usually 10-20 minutes. With Crimson unique Easy-setup function it takes about 30 seconds.
This function will have a future update which will include:
Configuring a welcome message to each new member is basically a must.
It looks professional, it gives a new member the important info about the project and navigates him to different links.
Watch The Tutorial Here
Configure your own customized buybot without any ads attached to it.
All the available bots in the space are full of ads and most of them are not even accurate for the sole reason that they are not fetching the current total and circulating supply with each buy, they just use the data they fetched once you added your token to the tracker.
Well…Thats not the case with the Crimson Buybot, We fetch the details with every buy that occurs and provide 100% accurate data.
Your project just launched its NFT's?
Deploy a custom NFTbot to track your mints/sells !
Track your favourite influencers on Twitter,Facebook,Linkedin by using our Socials tracker!
After configuring the users you want to track the bot will notify you in the group about the post the moment they posted!
Experience the OpenAI Library with your own clone, and no ads!
After Adding the Crimson bot/ Crimson clone you created simply trigger the ai with the /ai command!
For example: /ai How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood
All-in-one TG bot (live) : The Telegram bot is already live and got deployed in over 900 groups, the bot will have its own licensing system, escrow system, you will be able to hire services regarding bots and automations and much more, the TG bot has over 50 functions coded in it, Pure Original code, not open source.
All-in-one Discord Bot : You probably know Arcane bot, Mee6 and many other Discord bots, but with all the beautiful functions they have in it they are still missing some extra functions regarding the crypto space in general, our Discord and TG bot are able to bridge and connect both platforms , meaning you are able to manage both of your platforms at once, able to see messages from Discord to TG & TG to Discord , including a full sync of features you set up on your TG/Discord side to the other platform, ranking system, giveaways, filters and much more.
Web Application : The Web app is the REAL utility of Crimson, but in order to achieve it we have to release the TG and Discord Bot, The Web application is our secret utility and we honestly aim to change the space for the good with it using Bigdata from socials & blockchain.
Mobile App : The Mobile app will help you manage all of your platforms and get important notifications and analysis of future community and project growth in one place.
Forming Crimson LTD : Out of all of those utilities , we will have various sources of income, 60% of the income will be re-invested into the $Crimson token, The rest will go to manage servers, Development and to the team.
Chain : ERC20
CA : 0x44c7272B212E033D71b694733c150Ff8526C1A0e
Total supply : 2M
Tax : 2%/2%
Team tokens : None
The Crimson Token is part of the whole Crimson Ecosystem we are building.
Meaning that with the token we will cover server expenses overtime but as a return for our investors 60% of all kinds of revenues the Crimson project gets (Private bot requests, Servers handle, Dapp, Licenses, External IT support to companies and so on) will be bought back into the token and will be burned.
Meaning that as the Crimson Project gets more exposure , the token holders will benefit more!